“The semantics of duplicity”: Core Issues

In disallowing witnesses to be cross-examined and by ignoring both controversy about categorical notions of human sexuality (which the Royal College of Psychiatrists recently admitted are not fixed nor immutable), and inconsistencies in Boris Johnson’s witness statements, Justice Lang has confirmed today that the British establishment is no longer a guardian of freedom of

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Truth is stranger than it used to be: when ‘puffing’ isn’t lying

Lord Justice Sullivan yesterday dismissed Core Issues Trust’s application to appeal, claiming that Mrs Justice Lang’s inquiry in the London Bus Case was satisfactory and appropriate. According to Lord Justice Sullivan, Core Issues Trust is simply aggrieved at her findings. In reality, the rights of ex-gay persons have again been trampled by establishment judges.

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Irish Referendum on Gay Marriage 26th May, 2015

Core Issues Trust offers its gratitude to the many thousands of citizens who voted against changing the Irish Constitution to replace marriage as the union between one man and one woman for life, with a new concept which takes no account of the sex of the marriage partners.

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As Requested by Pink News: Statement from Core Issues Trust

Banning therapeutic support for those who experience homosexual behaviours and feelings but who wish to reduce these because of prioritising marriage to opposite sex partners is the antithesis of a conservative agenda. Such therapeutic support is not offered as a ’treatment’ or as a ‘cure’ any more than experiencing homosexual feelings is a ‘disease’.

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Ex-Gay Christian Counsellor Hounded Out by Psychotherapist Associations

On the basis of just two BBC radio interviews and no complaints from either his clients or his qualified supervisors, the British Psychodrama Association (BPA) under the direction of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) has this week removed former homosexual Dr Mike Davidson from the psychotherapists’ register of trainee professional membership.

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Statement on behalf of CORE ISSUES TRUST

In disallowing witnesses to be cross-examined and by ignoring both controversy about categorical notions of human sexuality (which the Royal College of Psychiatrists recently admitted are not fixed nor immutable,) and inconsistencies in Boris Johnson’s witness statements, Justice Lang has confirmed today that the British establishment is no longer a guardian of freedom of speech nor of conscience.

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Psychiatrists Reject ‘Born Gay’ Theory but Oppose Change Therapy

Homosexuals are not ‘born gay’ according to a recent statement by the Royal College of Psychiatristsi. They now consider, what they previously denied, that the causes are “a combination of biological and postnatal environmental factors.” This is a major admission. It implies that if a child does not encounter such postnatal life experiences, he/she will grow up heterosexual.

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Ex-gay bullying unacceptable

Core Issues Trust requests responsible journalists wishing to interrogate the issues relating to its work, to refrain from using the shorthand expression “gay cure” and “conversion therapy” when describing its activities. The Trust does not operate using a “medical” model nor does it see homosexuality as a disease in need of a “cure”. The description is factually wrong and misleading.

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