Challenging Gender Confusion
Upholding Science & Conscience

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About Us
Who We Are
Core Issues Trust is a registered charity in Northern Ireland operating throughout the UK and beyond.
We support those leaving LGBT identities, behaviours, attractions and life choices.
We campaign for the freedom to access pastoral care, counselling and therapeutic choice, now under threat, internationally, by ‘conversion therapy’ bans. Its trustees and projects are advised by a range of like-minded individuals from Anglican, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal and Reformed traditions.
Africa Project
Helping church leaders to support those coming out of LGBT in Africa isn’t straight forward.
There is an assumed continuity between African cultural values that reject homosexuality (which is seen as a fruitless, barren threat to the necessary progeny of virulent tribalism and territorial power) and the symbol of the created order of the Biblical account of God’s gift of His image in man and women in their intimacy in the covenant of marriage.
But these are two distinct things. Christians are ultimately responsible for the preservation of God’s values around sexuality, compassion, redemption and transformation.
We work for transformation around sexual brokenness because we have sinned against the Lord almighty.

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