

As Requested by Pink News: Statement from Core Issues Trust

Banning therapeutic support for those who experience homosexual behaviours and feelings but who wish to reduce these because of prioritising marriage to opposite sex partners is the antithesis of a conservative agenda. Such therapeutic support is not offered as a ’treatment’ or as a ‘cure’ any more than experiencing homosexual feelings is a ‘disease’.

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2014 Statements

1. 3rd December 2014 The Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) Bill 2014-2015 2. 30th July 2014 High Court Judgement 3. 10th June 2014 Bishop Michael Burrows to debate Anglican view of human...

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Tony Compolo Capitulates to Gay Marriage Confusion : “For the Record”

Tony and Peggy Campolo’s embrace and normalisation of homosexual practice within the Christian church aligns the couple with growing confusion in Western Christian culture with respect to sexual ethics. Britons will not be surprised to see this development following his involvement with Steve Chalke, Vicky Beeching and Bishop Alan Williams following the Oasis Conferencei earlier this year.

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Comment on the NCLR submission to the 53 rd Convention against Torture and Other Cruel , Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

A Californian based law firm, the National Centre for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has submitted documentary information1 to the United Nations treaty Committee Against Torture, claiming that by failing to outlaw the practice of ‘Conversion Therapy,’ America violates its compliance with the Convention Against Torture to which it is a signatory.

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Protecting Competent Professional Guidance and Therapeutic Care for Unwanted Sexual Feelings

In the United Kingdom, it is now no longer possible as a psychotherapist to retain professional membership of any Professional Mental Health Body with integrity, without affirming the ideological view that homosexuality, for example, is inborn and unchangeable. Even the Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC), under the leadership of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA for Health and Social Care) now prohibits therapeutic practice that allows its members to assist clients to move away from unwanted homosexual practices and feelings.

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Speaking Up and Speaking Out: What Mr Blair Didn’t Tell the Nation

The gay lobby has much to thank the Labour Party for: repeal of Section 28, lowering of the age of consent for gay sex and the Sexual Orientation Regulations. More recently Mr Blair has confirmed that he “strongly supports the Prime Minister’s proposal” for imposition of gay marriage by the coalition government. His legacy has helped shape the views of Messrs Cameron, Clegg and Miliband.

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