Radical gay activists and the helping professionals promoting their ideology have a great deal to answer for. They have created the idea that we are born gay, and that there is only one legitimate response to that fact, which is to embrace it…He simply doesn’t want to be gay and finds burdensome the limerent feelings he develops with young men. The only alternative he is aware of is to end his life, or, if the Victoria Derbyshire report is to believed, access to electro-shock therapy.
OSCE 2016-2017
Obama touts transgender restrooms, blasts ‘harmful practice of conversion therapy’
Opponents of reparative therapy really want to silence any institution that refuses to endorse homosexuality, David Pruden, executive director of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, told LifeSiteNews.
CIT Comment on Living Out’s Repudiation of Therapeutic Support …
Core Issues Trust does not support the position, which is now embraced by increasing numbers of UK evangelicals, promoting a category of ‘gay self-acceptance’ rather than hope of change. This ‘conservative gay-affirming’ position equates unwanted same-sex inclinations to ‘orientation’ regardless of whether or not these have been acted on.
Gender Idology Harms Children: American College of Pediatricians
The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.
TFL vs CIT Costs (£8,870.87) paid in full!
We thank God for all those supporters who have helped in raising a considerable sum required, we believe unfairly, by Transport for London, in respect of the London Bus Case in which we opposed the promotion of a categorical understanding of homosexuality in the public space. We believe individuals should have the right and freedom to leave unwanted sexual practices and be supported by professionals to do so. This case demonstrates the silencing imposed on any dissenting position and with no regard to the emerging evidence that sexuality is fluid and changeable for many.
Teaching on theology of the body unifies Christians, American says in U.K.
The theology [of the body], he [Christopher West] said, offered a prophetic response to the rise of a new gender ideology in which individuals asserted a right to choose a gender, often of their own creation, instead of accepting gender as biologically determined.
Teaching on theology of the body unifies Christians, American says in U.K.
The theology [of the body], he [West] said, offered a prophetic response to the rise of a new gender ideology in which individuals asserted a right to choose a gender, often of their own creation, instead of accepting gender as biologically determined.
Bible not ‘prudish’ according to theologian
Speaking of the Theology of the Body (Christopher West) conference, Mike Davidson said “What we are seeking to do is recongise perhaps there is an unhealthy trend, an excessive pietism today, that absolves the Church from looking at very serious issues that have crept into the society”.
No ‘Church revival’ unless Church demonstrates the Bible is not ‘prudish’ – claims ‘theology of the body’ expert
THERE will be no Revival in the Church in the World without the renewal of Marriage and family life, and until the Church can demonstrate that the Bible’s view of sexuality is not prudish, but is a liberating invitation to respond to the desires of our hearts”.
2015 Statements
1. 3rd November 2015 (embagoed until 00.00 3rd November 2015) Parliamentary Debate on ‘Stamping Out’ Gay Cure (sic) Therapies in the UK 2. 23rd October 2015 Joint Statement in Support of UK Minister...
Costs Demand from TFL against CIT
Transport for London (TFL) lawyers have asked the Enforcements of Judgements Office in Belfast to issue a Custody Warrent against all goods of Core Issues Trust.
The warrent requires payment of £8870.87 despite the fact that cases between 2013-2015 indicated proceedural flaws in TFL’s dealings with CIT, and that Mayor Boris Johnson had been dishonest in disclaiming his role in the banning of our 2012 advertisment. The warrant, designed to silence the work and witness of the Trust, remains inplace until payment of this amount has been made. All events, projects and operations of CIT remain functional. Current balance = £5,437.25. Thank you for your generosity! The full £8870.87 demand must be paid by 22nd February, 2016.