What is ‘Conversion Therapy’?

Core Issues Trust offers help for individuals who wish to move away from unwanted homosexual behaviours and feelings, voluntarily. LGBTI activists claim that such provision is “Conversion Therapy”. Check out these FAQs…

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Challenging Stonewall’s Election Manifesto, 2017

In response to the Stonewall “Acceptance without Exception” campaign, Core Issues Trust today released its “Equal, not Identical” campaign. Download the “Challenging the Stonewall General Election Manifesto”, here. View the accompanying explanatory video here: https://youtu.be/okgkyrgH564. Make sure you’re not part of Stonewall’s determination to end the link between biology and gender.

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The Sexual Revolution and the Do-Nothing-Church

“Abandonment of Christian sexual morality is the core of the Church’s self-secularization.” ∼ Gabriele Kuby, The Global Sexual Revolution…From time to time, the church finds itself with egg on its face because of its failure to speak out in the face of grievous injustices. The Nazi episode, the Civil Rights movement in the United States and Apartheid in South Africa—in each case the church (or at least large parts of it) tried to avert its eyes from evil and resisted facing the truth…

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Obituary for Dr Joseph Nicolosi

Joseph Nicolosi, Father of “Reparative Therapy” for Homosexuality, Dies Suddenly. Joseph Nicolosi was one of the founders of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), which was later re-named the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, and the father of “reparative therapy” for men—a particular branch of the larger movement to provide assistance in seeking change to those who experience unwanted same-sex attractions.

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Letter to His Grace Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

I am writing to express concern at the possibility that the Church of England may in some way move towards recognising committed same-sex sexual relationships as being in accord with God’s will. I would urgently counsel against this on grounds of Theology and of Science.

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‘Ex-gay’ bus ad man: I got raw deal in comparison with Ashers case

Newsletter, Belfast: A Co Down man who was barred from advertising his views on sexuality in London by Boris Johnson believes he has been treated unfairly compared to the Ashers bakery case.

Dr Mike Davidson, who lives near Hillsborough, said that in both cases would-be clients approached a service provider asking them to publish a message linked to their sexual orientation and in both cases they were refused.
(Pictured: Peter Tatchell

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Whither Science?

CIT Director Dermot O’Callaghan writes: In 1994 John Bancroft, who later became director of the Kinsey Institute, said about research into sexual orientation, both heterosexual and homosexual, that it was an area “par excellence where scientific objectivity has little chance of survival.” He asks, might counsellors yet be faced with the question: does loyalty to gay ideology justify abandoning the Hippocratic principle, First do no harm to the client?

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OSCE Intervention – 29th September 2016. Gender Mainstreaming: the UK’s challenge in guarding their children

This Intervention (from the Christian Legal Centre and Core Issues Trust) aimed to draw attention to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), now endorsed by the UN – which promotes age-inappropriate sexual pleasuring through state initiatives, in UK Schools. The ideological basis of the philosophy informing this remains alien to many parents of those being taught according to such values, whose views are over-ridden and marginalized. In a side event following the session various instances in the UK where a high level of state-supported ideological intolerance is evident, were described…

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New Study: Sexuality and Gender

The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are “born that way” — is not supported by scientific evidence.

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