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"THE 2017 General Election policies of the main political parties have been steamrolled by gay aspirations". So claims a Christian charity which says there is no effective orthodox opposition, or opportunity for Christians, and others, to vote for traditional marriage and views of sexuality.
Core Issues says that on June 8, the Stonewall Manifesto is the root, sap and source of LGBTI policy aspirations of the main political parties in the United Kingdom, without exception. As a result, the Core Issues Trust has today launched an 'Equal, not Identical' campaign.
Dr Mike Davidson, the Trust's CEO said: "Parties are aligning themselves with Stonewall's 'Acceptance without Exception' campaign, which aims to change the Equalities Act of 2010 to include 'gender identity' instead of 'gender reassignment' as an additional protected characteristic for “transgendered” people. This is the lynchpin by which gender and biology will forever part company in the United Kingdom and the new order of pansexual humanism will be formally ushered in."
Core Issues Trust is a non-political charity aligned with no party. It says the purpose for launching its campaign is to make the public aware of a serious social engineering project happening beneath the radar by politicians. Dr Davidson said: "Our purpose in issuing this statement is to point out politicians' carelessness in introducing this tectonic shift in gender policy.

"Harnessing the Brexit demand, the Prime Minister, Theresa May, is using popular support which will then lead to a severing of the biological basis of sexual identity and will allow 'gender mainstreaming' to reorder all levels of society, beginning with preschoolers. She is aligning herself with deposed American liberals in a bid to secure Britain's role as a leader in the brave new gender-neutral world she envisions."
The 'Equal, not Identical' campaign of Core Issues Trust, launched today, opposes the 'Acceptance without Exception' campaign which demands the introduction of a third 'non-binary category' of persons. Core's document, 'Challenging the Stonewall General Election 2017 Manifesto' affirms the biological foundation of male and female sexuality as the only basis of gendering and sexuality.
Dr Davidson added: "As a nation we are now in the dangerous position of being led with a ring in our noses into a social order that will end the nuclear family and introduce state control of every individual citizen. Theresa May has played the Christian card, as has her predecessor calling darkness 'light', but we are about to awaken into a world of our own making: in which the Christian foundations of society are finally undone. It's time for the do-nothing-church to stand up and reject this strategy – whatever the consequences.”
According to the Trust, Christians should call on the Prime Minister, a vicar's daughter, to promote a Christian understanding of social order: marriage between a man and a woman.