Application for Judicial Review, Feb 2013
February 8, 2013

Extract from CIT Statement following Judgement, 22nd March 2013

“The judgement implies that regardless of how politely countering statements are made, and irrespective of whether these are posed in religious terms or not, to oppose the favoured view of homosexual practice is not permissible within British public space.

Such total intolerance is instructive of the ‘evangelical’ role Equalities Legislation plays in our society in promoting homosexual practice, and which appears to have little regard for minorities other than those with the three “protected characteristics”. We call this discriminative social engineering”

CIT Statement: High Court Judgement 22nd March, 2013

YouTube video

CIT Statement: Marriage, Same-sex Couples Bill: 18 July, 2013

YouTube video

Other media at the time:

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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