Read the full Life Site News story here
Carys Moseley (Christian Concern) Writes:
"Ex-gay man’s testimony of following Jesus Christ
According to English-language news site Lovin Malta, in an X Factor pre-audition interview, Matthew Grech said that he used to live as a gay man until he became a Christian and followed Jesus Christ. He also said that he believed any ‘marriage’ other than between one man and one woman is a sin. This made some LGBT activists and allies who were viewing the show very angry. The news spread from Malta to the gay press in Italy and to Pink News in London.
Facebook and YouTube enforce gay censorship
According to the Maltese press, LGBT activists and their allies managed to get the video clip of the interview taken off Facebook and YouTube within minutes. They also slammed the judges of X Factor Malta for not criticising Matthew Grech’s comments about homosexuality and God’s pattern for marriage. It appears that they expected music judges to judge the beliefs and attitudes of contestants as well. The excuse they had for this stance was that the television station that broadcasts X Factor, TVM, is state-funded, and that as such the interview amounted to advertisement for ‘gay conversion therapy’, which has been illegal in Malta since 2016".
Read Carys Moseley's Full Article Here
Clearly this young man has talent but Malta's recent decision to "ban" therapeutic choice is coming against him it appears. The irony of course, is that Grech didn't receive thereapy, neither was he promoting it as the law forbids in Malta – he simply shared his Christian testimony.

Maltese Equality Minister, Helena Dalli, criticised the TVM station for allowing the interview with Grech to be broadcast. Responding to a question by Byron Camilleri, Labour Party Whip, she said:
“That interview should never have been aired in the first place. It did untold damage to our efforts to change social attitudes towards minorities, including LGBTQ youths. Gay youths don’t need forgiveness or healing, they need understanding.”
Listen to his story :
Mike Davidson asked at the time of the ban referring to a BBC article by Becky Banford "Why should the people of Malta be allowed, as she says, to "self-determine their own gender" but not their own sexuality?
Read the text of the Maltese Ban on Therapeutic Choice
"The Church, on both sides of the reformation divide, has failed to recognize that appeasement, the light at the end of this tunnel, is in fact an oncoming train. I would argue that this is the latest strain of gnostic heresy. Motivated by compassion to support a society claiming to value all persons, it has failed to uphold its own narrative in this mission of appeasement. The fact is, homosexual practice and the Gospel of Christ are irreconcilable. This is a position agreed by both affirming and conservative Biblical scholars. The Bible condemns active homosexual practices – both male and female. Whatever arguments are made to support people to fulfil these desires cannot be made on Biblical grounds without seriously impugning Biblical scholarship over millennia and the theological heritage of the Christian Church in general. In England, Archbishop Justin Welby knows this, whether he admits it or not. It would be surprising if Archbishop Charles Scicluna does not know it too. Both are pragmatists, and both are in danger of failing to stand in historical continuity with the Gospel of Christ".
Read: Banning Therapeutic Choice Won't change Christian sexual ethics