Ukraine Nicolosi Book Launch Saturday 26th May 2018: Kiev
May 30, 2018

A public event to launch the late Dr Joseph Nicolosi’s book "Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy“ was due to have taken place on Friday 25th May, but had to be cancelled because the administrators of the NAS H. S. Skovoro da Institute of Philosophy withdrew the use of their venue for the occasion, following complaints from members of the LGBT community in Ukraine.

The organisers of the book launch very much regret this turn of events.  The purpose of the occasion was to highlight interested Ukrainian professionals, contributors to the translation project and contributions of speakers from Germany (Dr [Med] Christl Vonholdt) and the United Kingdom (Dr Mike Davidson).

Consistent with LGBT strategies in Ukraine and throughout the world, the right to hold a different point of view is being withheld and LGBT ideology promoted as the only permissible explanation for the phenomena of homosexual inclination and practice. Such viewpoint discrimination exposes the fear LGBT promoters have in allowing any interrogation of the “born gay” myth which is openly promoted by political lobbyists.

On Saturday 26th May an event did take place in Central Kiev, at the St Thomas Aquinas Institute for Relgious Sciences at which two Ukrainian professionals at professorial level addressed the group, along with Dr Christl Vonholdt (retired Pediatrician) and Dr Mike Davidson (CIT Director).

YouTube video

Media Interview on Friday 25th of May, Kiev with Russian Translator Oles Dmitrienko

Arguments that the work of Joseph Nicolosi and similar therapists and counsellors is intrinsically harmful, have no scientific basis. Not even the American Psychological Association nor the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK can show, or state categorically, that homosexual inclinations are innate or immutable. The worldwide attempt to promote the view that professionals – both clinical and pastoral – should be prohibited from offering support to those wishing to leave homosexual practice will not dissuade all professional and skilled therapists, both within and outside of the European Union, from the view that client autonomy in therapeutic goal-setting is an inviolable human right.

YouTube video

The event organisers promote ethical standards of therapeutic and counselling practice that respect clients' rights and the professional expertise of clinical specialists working in this area.

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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