Youth for Life is a community organisation based in Athi River, near Nairobi. Kenya. It works with disadvantaged young people in a holistic way, assisting with education, health, relief of poverty, economic empowerment and care for the local environment.
YfL has a clear Christian foundation. One of the aims of the ministry is to enable young people to come to faith in Jesus, to grow in that faith, and to make a positive difference for the gospel in the community.
Raphael Gakinya, the Director of the YfL Centre (above left), is grateful for regular support the Centre is receiving, but recognises that much more needs to be done. He is asking for financial support to develop three new projects which have started:
1. A Christian library, where young people can have access to Christian literature, videos and DVD’s. There is a particular need for bibles, which can be bought locally much cheaper than shipping them from the UK.
2. The ‘Life Choices’ programme, particularly aimed at teenage boys who need rehabilitation after getting involved in drugs, gangsterism and prostitution. As part of the programme, they receive spiritual and psychological counselling, food and basic accommodation, access to medical care, and training for employment.

3. Another programme works with teenage girls and young women, helping them to delay sexual debut, discouraging abortion if they do get pregnant, and counselling those who are victims of abuse and rape.
Dr Lisa Nolland, Convenor of Anglican Mainstream’s Marriage Sex and Culture research and advocacy group, has written about her recent visit to the Youth for Life Centre in this article in Heart Magazine.
More details can be found in this two page flyer: Anglican Mainstream KENYA APPEAL
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