Response to National Secular Society Campaign
May 15, 2020

Core Issues Trust has today responded to the National Secular Society's (NSS) campaingn to remove charitable status from faith groups which promote "advancement of religion" as a principal basis of their mission.  This follows correspondence between the NSS and The Belfast Telegraph reported in various articles: Belfast Telegraph and campaign groups.

The Press Statement can be viewed here

Statement from Core Issues Trust in Response to the National Secular Society’s Press Release: “Review status of charity promoting ‘conversion therapy’.” [12 May 2020].

The principal purpose of Core Issues Trust is the promotion and advancement of education consistent with the historical creeds of the Christian church as expressed in the Core Issues Trust Statement of Belief. This is specifically in the context of human sexuality. The charity has not requested religious designation from the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland.

The stated public benefit of our charity is in empowering individuals and churches to make, and to promote, lifestyle-choices consistent with Christian living. In working educatively, rather than to indoctrinate its values, the charity encourages the interrogation of ideology, both religious and secular, through analysis and critique of diverse perspectives and readings of the literature relating to human sexuality and Christian living. This is captured by our strapline: “challenging gender confusion; upholding science and conscience”.  Our charitable purposes therefore relate primarily to critique, reason and the analysis of ideology within the broad framework of Christian education. The benefits for society are increased critical engagement, reduction of passive acceptance of indoctrination and the safeguarding of democratic and personal values.

The National Secular Society claims that Core Issues Trust “like every other charity promoting conversion therapy of which we are aware” operates with a “smokescreen for carrying out harmful practices…”  We request first, that the Society name the charities promoting ‘conversion therapy’, immediately.  Second, we ask that it provide evidence of harmful practices in relation to our work and to indicate where exactly we have been “shielded from scrutiny”? Our commitment to Safeguarding at the protection of clients is outlined in the 2020 Safeguarding Policy Document.

The Society accuses the Trust of causing harm by “actively promoting ‘conversion therapy’.” On the contrary, the Trust promotes client autonomy and advocates therapeutic and counselling choice for individuals dissatisfied with unwanted sexual attractions, feelings and behaviours or gender confusions. The NSS appears to be intolerant of any viewpoint that does not promote secular humanism, or which support the rights and freedoms for individuals to live according to conscience informed by primary religious values.

Download the Statement Here

We will no longer tolerate unsubstantiated accusations of harm against Core Issues Trust and call on the NSS to now provide the evidence upon which it claims we have harmed individuals or society. The Trust promotes standard change-allowing therapies for adult persons no longer prepared to abide by an imposed political document – the “Memorandum of Understanding” which restricts access to professional help and support for chosen identities unless they conform to progressive views on sexuality.  We wish to assert that statements made by politicians or special interest groups or executive bodies within the Mental Health fraternities which promote the normalisation of homosexual practice and transgenderism do not constitute scientific evidence or research data.

For a brief overview of the approach Core Issues Trust has taken in respect of supporting individuals no longer confident that the traditional Mental Health bodies are acting in the public interest and with respect for personal values, please go to this link examining change-allowing therapies


Further Information    Dr Mike Davidson CEO +44 783 3098998     

                                     Mr Matthew Grech Trustee +356 79067321

Downald the Statement Here

Registered Office: 102 Kinedale Park Ballynahinch BT248YS | Charity Commission, number 105095 |

M: 07833098998 | L: 02897563008 | W:

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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