One of the unsung heroes of the once-gay movement in Asia is Jenny Li, director of "Rainbow-7". "Rainbow-7" of course is to be distinguished from "Rainbow-6" – and the common knowledge that the LGBT flags immitates (using only 6 of the 7 colours of) the natural light spectrum upon which the Biblical symbol of God's covenant rainbow is based. The seven colours are represented in the murals in this picture (below) in "Rainbow-7's" central office counselling room. The organisation has three centres on the tiny island of Taipei, with a total of 11 workers currently employed under Jenny's leadership. In terms of office space, workers and experieince, this has to be the leading organisation in the world of once-gay ministry. They publish, campaign, counsel numerous groups from HIV to parents of children in the lifestyle, as well as those wanting out of gay.
We also met with Dr and Mrs Melvin Wong, (along with three of Jenny's young assistants) a well known and much loved Clinical Psychologist who is known throughout Asia and in the USA. We'll be working with a team from Hong Kong to further develop the IFTCC in ways helpful to and led by Asian professisonals.
It's in the context of "Rainbow-6" and "Rainbow-7" that the idea of "Rainbow Corssers" needs to be understood. I like the term. Unlike "ex-gay", and "once-gay" or even "formerly", "Rainbow Crossers" indicates the direction of travel out of "Rainbow-6" the immitation rainbow, into the safe covenant grace of "Rainbow-7" – without all the labelling baggage of "sexual re-orientation". Remember that in Taiwan, LGBT+ refer to themselves as "Comrades" and as GRCA visionary Paul Hsieh (pictured below) explained, "ex-comrade" doesnt really work.
The GRCA event this past week in Taipei began with a summit in which all country representatives shared about the state of the nation they were representing in terms of the normalisation of LGBT ideology and threat to human rights of the formerly gay. The presentations were as moving and inspiring as they were varied. Singapore and Hong Kong had many in their teams as of course did Taiwan. It was concerning to hear of the unchecked hostility of LGBT groups in mainland China, where police provide no shelter for Rainbow Crossers and their leaders against these individuals. It's interesting to see how the West has distorted things to represent the idea that therapeutic choice "Conversion Therapy" has been banned on mainland China. What's happened of course is that in line with most mental health groups, Chinese clinicians have recognised and stated that homosexulity is not a disease and doesn't need treatment – old news.
GRCA is led by Jim Domen (Church United) successful campaigner during California's AB2943 Bill when Senator Evan Low withdrew his motion. Together with Bethel Church leaders Ken Williams and Elizabeth Woning (of "Changed" fame) Californian churches united to highlight the grave threats to freedom of religion and the Gospel itself. The text of the final GRCA Declaration is of interest and represents history in the making. Resistance to LGBT indoctrination is likely to grow exponentially with this and other summits taking place:
The Global Rainbow Crossers Alliance (GRCA) is a California-registered non-profit organization dedicated to giving voice to an important and growing group of vulnerable people around the world, the "Global Rainbow Crossers,” and to fighting for their basic human rights. Twenty-three countries from all over the world gathered in Taipei on 25-26 October 2019, to hold the first annual Global Summit addressing the preservation of human rights for international Rainbow Crossers. We are existing members of the global community who face oppression through law and politics that has caused restrictions in counseling, medical options, and religious liberty in different countries and regions.
Therefore, we call upon the nations of the world to recognize the GRCA and to acknowledge and guarantee their essential human rights:
That Rainbow Crossers: men and women who no longer identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer etc. and are pursuing restoration in their gender identity according to biological sex; enjoy all human rights without any discrimination or government mandated sexual identification.
Around the world there is persecution, including censorship, discrimination and punishment. Rainbow Crossers are labeled as “homophobic, hateful, discriminatory and anti-LGBTQ+”.
Accordingly, we request:
• Protection of human rights without discrimination for Rainbow Crossers
• That this proposition and the philosophy of Rainbow Crossers be protected
• The right to actively "seek assistance in changing" be protected
• Equal voice and participation in international human rights initiatives.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Before the Summit some of us were given the daunting honour of testifying (along with our LGBT friends) to the Taiwanese legislature in a discussion about family values. Jeremy Bate (male to female – female back to male) detransitioner from Australia and myself (UK) spoke about personal experience and what the Tavistock Center for Gender Identity Services in the UK is teaching us about in terms of concerns that Comprehensive Sexuality Education under its different names in our countries is promotional rather than informational, and fundamentally age-inappropriate.
We spent time also filming and producing testimony materials as well as Christian and secular media interviews in a local film studio and various settings. It was great to renew friendships with those we've met at the IFTCC events, from Russia and Ukraine, and of course to renew friendship with James Parker and of course from Ola (Alexandra) Lesnik from Poland .
But of course it was the celebration at the EXPO facility downtown Taipei that was really exciting. Stunning Taiwanese vocalist and dance performers entertained us between interviews with the Rainbow Crossers themselves.
The European Contingency was composed of Norway, Ukraine, Russia, Malta, Poland the UK and Ireland. There were contingencies from Asia, North and South America besides.
It was good to see a great crowd and with all the sound, and lighting provided, news media carried some great clips of the event in the national news by TV and print. It's encouraging to see how many cared enough to come and support the event

Matthew Grech (Malta) Alexandra Lesnik (Poland) and Angel Colone (USA) sang to an excited crowd and it was a thrill to see people joining in the celebrations!

This event was well organised and executed and GRCA should be congratulated for its vision and execution – supported by local folks from Taipei. Thank you all for your hospitality and love!