CIT Trustee Faces Criminal Charges for Christian Testimony
January 19, 2023

CIT Trustee Faces Criminal Charges for Christian Testimony

Malta resident and Core Issues Trust trustee, Matthew Grech, is to face court proceedings following an interview in which he shared about leaving homosexual practices.

Asked about ‘conversion therapy’, Matthew pointed out the political nature of the term and when asked, cited known peer-reviewed science that denies that sexuality is fixed or that gender can be changed.

Malta was the first nation in the European Union to impose a ban on conversion practices in 2016. Legislation is now set to be amended, following the charges raised against Grech by the police in Malta. Media reports claim the amendment will redefine the existing advertising clause of the law to include the publishing, advertising, displaying, distributing, referral and circulation of any material promoting the practice.

Following the interview broadcast 6th April 2022, two presenters from PMnews Malta, together with their invited guest Matthew Grech, were charged by Maltese Police with promoting conversion therapy, following a complaint by known activists.  The case will be heard on 3rd February, 2023.

YouTube video

According to Matthew Grech: “I have the names of the individuals who reported me to the police. I believe they are the same people who publicly clashed with me before, who have jobs with the Maltese government, and are also linked with the Malta Gay Rights Movement. They are afraid of the gospel message we preach that offers change and transformation. It simply tears down all the LGBT lies. I am forced to defend myself in court, but I’m doing it for all Christians and people of good will who care about human rights, no matter what opinion they might hold. God is on our side. Victory belongs to the righteous, and we will not bow down to tyranny.”

Matthew Grech rose to prominence following participation in X-Factor Malta when media captured his Christian testimony of changes in his life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Then Minister of Equalities, Helena Dalli, objected to any voice being given to former LGBT testimonies of change.

Dr Mike Davidson, IFTCC Chairman, and CEO of Core Issues Trust said: “In what is probably a test case, the freedoms of speech, conscience and religion are being attacked. The fact is that therapeutic and counselling choice is a fundamental right.  Governments promoting monocultural viewpoints – this idea that sexual orientation is inborn and unchangeable, and that gender is unrelated to biological sex – are denying those unwilling to identify as LGBT the right to leave identities and practices no longer relevant to them. This is a human rights issue. Without ideological diversity in any life issue, democracy is denied checks and balances and descends to totalitarianism”.

Core Issues Trust is currently engaged in two further legal cases.  One is contesting the removal of bank accounts for both the Trust and that of the International Federation of Therapeutic and Counselling Choice. The second, touches on the legality of the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK being forced on trainee psychotherapists in the United Kingdom.

YouTube video

Further Information: Mike Davidson (

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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