Is ‘fathering’ the casualty in the UK State’s understanding of Gender Mainstreaming?
September 21, 2017

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CIT DIrector Mike Davidson presents a side event at the OSCE HDIM today, 21st September, 2017.  This is the text of a written statement to the OSCE:

TO:            OSCE, Warsaw, Poland [Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting, 2017]

FROM:      Core Issues Trust

TOPIC:      Gender Mainstreaming: is ‘fathering’ the casualty in the UK’s understanding of this term?                   DATE: Thursday 21th September 2017.  WORKING SESSION 16

                  Tolerance and Non-Discrimination I

The United Kingdom state apparatus has fully embraced the normalisation of homosexual practices and uses all means at its disposal to promote gender-mainstreaming to overturn any vestige of Judeo-Christian foundation in its political footprint. In that, state gender has clearly been distinguished from the biological binary of male and female. Leaders of the state church, The Church of England, Arch Bishops Welby and Sentamu are leading the alignment of church and state with respect to this ideology of sexuality which challenges the biological basis of gender. Sex is becoming increasingly politicised and fully exploited as the means by which the state gains increasing control of its citizenry.

UK sex education models in state schools now endow the state with total power and control of educating the young in matters around sexuality and gender. This is essentially conducted using the philosophy and ideology of Post-genderism or Pansexual Humanism. It is this philosophy that informs the UN sanctioned “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” (CSE) initiatives, whereby sexual pleasuring information is communicated to the young through state-provided sex education.  This differs from age-appropriate sex education, in which parental bodies are more likely to give support. Parental views concerning the content of CSE appear to be unimportant to the promoters of this approach.  As such this initiative, manifesting under a variety of names, is a threat to both children’s rights, and parental rights.

How might Christian dissenters, suspicious of the state’s intentions in this understanding of “gender mainstreaming” respond to the state’s promotion of homonormativity and what are the avenues open to them in rallying to offer an effective alternative understanding of human sexuality? How might dissenters’ voices, objecting to state exploitation of sexual mores and increasing power, be heard?

A side event will be offered today at 13.15 (meeting room 2) to provide insight into new pathways by which Christian and social conservative dissenters might work to create different options for those who reject the UK State’s narrative on sexuality and gender.

The OSCE is asked to consider how the model evident in the UK for educating its children over-values sexuality at the expense of healthy biologically-based gender models of male and female. As traditional models of gender, marriage and family are redefined, the role of males in society is being undermined. “Fathering” is also being redefined as a purely biological function, with the importance of a male role-model being lost.

How will the OSCE promote the safe-guarding of children when gender mainstreaming initiatives such as are being offered in the UK for example are promoting a re-definition of and blurring of gender identity and biological roles evident in proposed gender recognition legislation based on self identification rather than biological birth-gender?

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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