Response to call for input to a thematic report: gender, sexual
orientation and gender identity
The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)
11th March 2021
The IFTCC has responded to the United Nations request for input on a proposed report to be completed by the UN Independent Expert of SOGI.

Download the full document here
Main mechanism for challenging resistance to LGBT assendancy in the UK The defacto ban on Therapeutic Choice:
1.1 Consensus Statement on Conversion Therapy and the
1.2 Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy and
1.3 Professional Standards Authority (PSA)
1.4 Role of the Government Equality Office
2. Observations about the gathering and use data to promote LGBT acceptance in the UK.
2.1 The National LGBT Survey and
2.2 The 2018 LGBT Action Plan
3. Non-governmental initiatives to challenging resistance to LGBT ascendancy in the context of The Faith and Sexuality Survey (FSS) and the role of legacy media, social media and the banking sector.
3.1 Legacy media
3.2 Social Media
3.3 Banking Sector
4. Summary and COnclusionm