Citzen Go Petition on Media Bullying
September 8, 2017

Sign the Citicen Go Petition From Voice for Justice, here

On Tuesday 5th September, Good Morning Britain carried an interview between Piers Morgan and Dr Mike Davidson of Core Issues Trust. The subject was Gay Conversion Therapy, following a so-called exposé by undercover reporter and Gay activist Josh Parry, after he approached the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry, Liverpool, claiming that he was asking for help with his sexuality. In the subsequent article he wrote about his experience, Mr Parry expressed outrage that his counsellor, an assistant pastor at the church, told him that being gay was biologically wrong and a deceit of Satan, and that he could be cured by prayer and fasting.

Dr Davidson is a highly experienced and respected psychotherapist specializing in supporting men and women unhappy with their sexuality and seeking help to change. He has in the past come in for strong criticism for his scientific and medically validated position that there is no evidence indicating homosexuality is innate, but he has always and consistently maintained that everyone has an absolute right to be homosexual, if they so choose. He maintains, however, that individuals unhappy with their feelings – whether as result of religious conviction, the desire to save an existing marriage, or to marry and have a ‘natural’ family – have an absolute right to seek help.

One would have thought such a position was unassailable, demonstrating both sympathy and compassion, but Piers Morgan apparently disagrees. In an unparalleled display of ear-splitting and venom-filled prejudice, he accused Dr Davidson of being a bigot and yelled at him to shut up and go away.

YouTube video

Had Dr Davidson behaved in similar fashion, he would, in all probability, have been arrested for hate crime.

Such behaviour is both appalling and inexcusable, and an abuse of Mr Morgan’s position on national television. Dr Davidson was an invited guest on the programme and should have been treated with respect.

If people choose to be homosexual, that is their choice. But some people experiencing same sex attraction do not so choose, and to deny such individuals all possibility of counselling and therapeutic help – while vilifying, hectoring, and intimidating those who seek to offer such help – is demonstration of ideological intimidation. Such behaviour on national television is unacceptable.

We call for an unreserved apology from Piers Morgan for his disgusting display of arrogant and bullying behaviour, and for his censure by the Board of Directors of ITV.

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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