
Leading Stories and Research

Film Review at the OSCE – Voices of the Silenced: experts, evidences and ideology

A film production trailer (produced by CIT) was released at an OSCE side-event meeting today, 27th September, 2016: “Voices of the Silenced” reminds us that the Christian Gospel, whether or not equated to personal faith, has influenced western civilisation so profoundly that even the secularists today build on its legacy and, without self-examination, fail to acknowledge the pivotal and enduring influence of Christian teaching.

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Pastoral Care or Accommodation?

Pastoral Care for all is an imperative for the church. What could count as “Pastoral Care” which would leave intact a firm commitment by the Church of England to man-woman marriage and recognize that same-sex activity is contrary to the teaching of the Bible and of the entire Christian church since the time of Jesus, as evidenced by Fortson and Grams in Unchanging Witness (BH Academic 2016)?

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Church of England to Launch LGBT congregation

The Bishop of Wolverhampton makes a false and dangerous claim by saying that same-sex attraction is ‘God-given’. This is contrary to Scripture and undermines the Creation order of one-man, one-woman marriage, that is designed to be a reflection of Christ and His bride, the Church. Claiming that homosexuality, or indeed bisexuality, is God-given suggests that God condones same-sex relationships. This, as is apparent throughout His Word, is not the case.”

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Costs Demand from TFL against CIT

Transport for London (TFL) lawyers have asked the Enforcements of Judgements Office in Belfast to issue a Custody Warrent against all goods of Core Issues Trust.

The warrent requires payment of £8870.87 despite the fact that cases between 2013-2015 indicated proceedural flaws in TFL’s dealings with CIT, and that Mayor Boris Johnson had been dishonest in disclaiming his role in the banning of our 2012 advertisment. The warrant, designed to silence the work and witness of the Trust, remains inplace until payment of this amount has been made. All events, projects and operations of CIT remain functional. Current balance = £5,437.25. Thank you for your generosity! The full £8870.87 demand must be paid by 22nd February, 2016.

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How evidence, rights, freedoms and conscience are trampled through view-point discrimination under the UK’s aggressive secular state.

on-going media reports indicate that the UK government is considering criminalising professionals offering help to clients wanting to end homosexual feelings and behaviours. Already an effective ban is in place on such support through the country’s leading mental health organisations against their members responding to such client requests. Those groups motivated by orthodox Christian values with regard to human sexuality to help such people are not exempt from this effective ban.

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Tony Compolo Capitulates to Gay Marriage Confusion : “For the Record”

Tony and Peggy Campolo’s embrace and normalisation of homosexual practice within the Christian church aligns the couple with growing confusion in Western Christian culture with respect to sexual ethics. Britons will not be surprised to see this development following his involvement with Steve Chalke, Vicky Beeching and Bishop Alan Williams following the Oasis Conferencei earlier this year.

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Comment on the NCLR submission to the 53 rd Convention against Torture and Other Cruel , Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

A Californian based law firm, the National Centre for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has submitted documentary information1 to the United Nations treaty Committee Against Torture, claiming that by failing to outlaw the practice of ‘Conversion Therapy,’ America violates its compliance with the Convention Against Torture to which it is a signatory.

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