Obama touts transgender restrooms, blasts ‘harmful practice of conversion therapy’
June 2, 2016

Opponents of reparative therapy really want to silence any institution that refuses to endorse homosexuality, David Pruden, executive director of the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity, told LifeSiteNews.

In a real sense, he said, there is no “conversion therapy,” a term he strongly rejects.

He says members of the alliance use an array of methods including “behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, contextual therapy” to assist young people who do not wish to experience same-sex attraction.

None of their tactics are controversial, he said. 

All of the therapeutic techniques used by our members and friends in the counseling professions are mainstream, conventional counseling practices used by all other therapists and taught in every university program across the nation,” Pruden told LifeSiteNews. “We don't do anything special. We just apply normal counseling process to a particular challenge. And the vast majority of the clients our member therapists and friends see are not dealing with sexual issues of any kind.”


Read tthe full story here.

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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