Memorial Service for Dr Joseph Nicolosi 22nd April, 2017
April 22, 2017

A moving seervice for Dr Nicolosi's memory was well attended in Los Angeles this weekend.  Moving tributes were paid by family, friends and colleagues. In particular, Joseph Nicolosi Jnr. spoke of his inspiringly close relationship to his father, and of his father's increasing growth in, and dependance on Christ as a believer. Carolyn Pela, President of the Aliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity spoke about the ongoing research project she and Dr Nicolosi was involved in, making use of subjects from the Dr Nicholosi's clinic. Dr Mike Davidson brought greetings from emerging groups and from the Chairman of  LinC (Live in Christ) – an affiliation of Christian ministry groups in Europe.  Various individuals, including professional clinicians and practioners and also clients sent greetings. 

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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