OSCE 2014-2015
September 29, 2014

Plenary Session Interventions:

DATE: 29th September, 2015. Working Session 121.
Specifically selected topic: Combating hate crimes and ensuring effective protection against discrimination

2.  “Viewpoint Discrimination: The UK governments’ determination to disallow contrary views around the discredited idea that sexual preference is inborn”.

DATE: 1st October 2014. Working Session 13: 10.00 – 1.00am Specifically selected topic: Fundamental Freedoms II including freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.

3.  “Protecting Competent Professional Guidance and Therapeutic Care for Unwanted Sexual Feelings”.

DATE: 30 October 2014. Working Session 13: 3.pm – 6.pm.
Specifically Selected Topic: Tolerance and non-discrimination II

4. “Marking the growth of intolerance towards the religious orthodox in the United Kingdom who reject state collusion with gay advocacy ideologies which threaten personal and religious autonomy and freedoms of expression”.

DATE: 3rd July, 2014 – Supplementary Human Dimensions Meeting (Vienna)
Specifically Selected Topic: The Right to Freedom of Expression

Side Event Leadership:

1. “The United Kingdom’s liberal orthodoxy: the virtual ban on traditional Christian and family values”.

DATE: 29th September, 2015
Plenary Hall

Convenor: Core Issues Trust/Christian Concern

Presentation by Mr Paul Diamond, Standing Counsel for the Christian Legal Centre

Core Issues is a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression.

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