We are proud to announce the launch of VOS TV, an online TV platform with open access, dedicated to promoting understanding around unwanted same-sex issues. www.voicesofthesilenced.tv
Citzen Go Petition on Media Bullying
Voice for Justice UK raises a Citizen Go petition: “Piers Morgan must not be allowed to abuse and bully those with whom he disagrees. Uphold freedom of choice
and speech for all” Please sign.
Nashville Statement
A coalition for Biblical Sexuality in partnerships with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission has issued a new statement on human sexuality and the teaching of the church: “…in the hope of serving Christ’s church and witnessing publicly to the good purposes of God for human sexuality revealed in Christian Scripture, we offer the following affirmations and denials.”
Australian Medical Association Critiqued for Misleading Australian Public and Medics
One of the doctors who wrote a searing critique of the Australian Medical Association’s Position Statement on changing the Marriage Act repeated his call for the AMA to retract the statement following an address by Australian Medical Association (AMA) President Dr Michael Gannon at the National Press Club today.
Why patriarchy is the best solution for happy families and societies
In “The New Politics of Sex: the sexual revolution, civil liberties and the growth of government power” Professor Stephen Baskerville Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College, Virginia, offers an analysis that suggests that such a proposal as the above is the tip of an iceberg of the ever increasing power of state authorities to police activities that are beyond its competence.
‘Homosexuality’ vs ‘Homosexual Practice’ : the new binary
Many have articulated the idea that the binary sexuality model dividing the world of mankind into ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ (with a few ‘bi’) is past its sell-by date and has outlived its usefulness given the rise of notions of sexual fluidity. I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay within the semantic boundaries such models have forced us to operate in.
Comparing the Nashville Statement and one response from the Gay Christian perspective.
David Bennett’s response to the Nashville Statement, “Why I call myself a gay celibate Christian – and say ‘no’ to Nashville” provides a helpful perspective on the new Biblical anthropology promoted by ‘celibate gay’ Christians. The article is important because it reveals a particular anthropological perspective that is faulty, in my view.
Conversion therapy: Dr Peter May helps us to understand the main debate at the recent General Synod of the Church of England
The General Synod debate on so-called ‘conversion therapy’ for homosexuals in a Private Member’s Motion brought by ‘inclusive evangelical’ Jayne Ozanne, was destined to be problematic.
Dermot O’Callaghan in Belfast Telegraph
Dermot O’Callghan comments on the battle for “gay” marriage in Northern Ireland. Letter published in Belfast Telegraph Thursday 16th August, 2017.
Leaving the ‘Gay Cult’ and the Politicisation of ‘Change’. How decriminalisation of homosexuality silences dissenters.
Dr. Mike Davidson, CEO of Core Issues Trust, reflects on the effect of the decriminalisation of homosexuality on ministries like his, which offer therapy to those seeking help for unwanted same-sex attraction.
Understanding Advocacy Science: Why the ‘Conversion Therapy’ ‘Science Briefing’ Fails to Set the Record Straight and Promotes Viewpoint Discrimination
Core Issues Trust considers the ‘Science Briefing’ Paper (July 2017) by Prof. M King and Prof. R. Song.
An open letter to William Nye, General Secretary of the Church of England
You have indicated formally your view that the onus is on therapists to prove that their work is ethical. Within reasonable limits, it should be the other way around. Nothing would hamper vital research more than a ban on new approaches until they had been ‘proven’.